I've been trying to configure a dual-head system using ATI Radeon VE on
Linux RedHat 7.2, Xfree86 4.1.0 (as it comes in RH7.2). The card is the Dell
version of Radeon VE, which doesn't have two connectors on it, but a larger
one, from which a Y cable can adapt to a pair of analog or digital style

The default RH installation recognizes properly the hardware and a single
display configuration works just fine (DRI included). However all attempts
to configure a dual-head system yielded only the right half of the desktop
onto the left monitor and *no signal* on the secondary (right) monitor.
Xfree86 4.2.0 installed from binaries didn't improve the situation.

Interesting fact: the DDC retrieved info shows two different monitor serial
numbers as the video card successfully communicated with both monitors!

Did anybody use this card for a dual-head system?


(I could list the config. file and logs if necessary)
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