On 9 Apr 2002, Kherry Zamore wrote:

> I have an ATI Rage II+DVD (Mach64, Rage128 chipset) and am using XFree86
> 4.1.0 on FreeBSD.  I'm stuck with a slightly annoying problem.
> Artifacts are left on the screen after moving around some windows.  I
> tried disabling a few options and changing resolutions/color depths, but
> that didn't solve the problem.  Another thing I should mention is when I
> go to console, characters tend to disappear and reappear on the screen
> when it scrolls.  I'm not exactly sure if this is a hardware or software
> problem since XF86 3.3.6 didn't have any problems when I used it.  If
> anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Let's narrow this down a bit.  See if the artifacts still appear with
Option "NoAccel".

BTW, the Rage II+DVD is a Mach64, not a Rage128.


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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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