NVchooser does not work! It gives a few errors.
During RedHat installation, I was not asked weather to install smp kernel 
or something else. Still I believe I have an smp one. By the way, why smp 
is not good for the laptop? What's the difference?

I read the pages that you advised on XFree86 configuration. Still, it's not 
clear if I could use
Xconfigurator or not, or any other tool. I am asking because I did 
everything what was advised in NVIDIA installation guide for editing 
XF86Config file, in particular, I replaced driver nv with driver nvidia and 
removed the lines with load dri and load GLcore. Still X server did not 
load. There is probably something else that I'm missing.

Sorry for many question, but it seems to be a really tough problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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