On Thursday 11 April 2002 09:45 am, Joe Krahn wrote:
> Leon Brooks wrote:
>> Here's another question I've not found answered in a fair bit of web
>> trolling. Is it possible to have two (or more) independent mouse pointers
>> at large on the one X display at the same time? If so, how does one (at a
>> portable X application level) set about distinguishing between events
>> from each?

>> In particular, I want to write simultaneous multiplayer games (both
>> co-operative and competitive, mostly educational) for X (-: and would
>> like to run an X server that supports this as it makes testing a good
>> deal easier :-).

> You can always install additional mice as extension devices. The
> application has to then open the extension device and draw it's own
> pointer. It takes more effort to open extension devices. Look at
> the contributed program xinput as an example.

Thanks, I'll look into that. Is this xinput in the contrib stuff, or is it 
related to the xinput device manager?

> Having two core mice would cause a lot of design issues, and is
> probably not going to happen any time soon.

I haven't looked yet (call me lazy) but does the basic X protocol have simple 
ways of coping with multiple meece? Such as a field in the event?

Multiple and potentially completely independent mice and keyboards and 
whatevers would be handy for an awful lot of fringe stuff, and might also 
make adding new wonder-gadgets easier as they arrive. And the earlier this is 
fixed, the less trauma arises when something needs to use the feature. I'm 
working at freeing up enough time to do this kind of stuff myself, but it 
looks like being months away.

Cheers; Leon
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