On 22 Apr 2002, Michel [ISO-8859-1] Dänzer wrote:

> Well, I think I may look into fixing the clipping for the CP case but
> otherwise won't worry about performance until someone complains. Thanks
> for the insights.

Well, the program which found this bug is a VLSI layout editor.  I can
assure you that I will be complaining later on. <grin>

In all seriousness, correct is more important than fast for the moment.
Anyone running a VLSI layout editor is *not* running on a commputer which
is slow or small.

As an aside, does this bug also affect the XRENDER extensions?  I was
looking into usng OpenGL primarily to gain compositing/transparency
effects.  However, the XRENDER extensions seem to cover what I need
without all the OpenGL baggage.


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