On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Jim Gettys and Mark Vojkovich wrote:

> There are bugs in suspend in general with Linux (having nothing to do with
> X per' se').  Keith Packard has sent Linus a patch; not a great one,
> (loop after a pause for a long time), but one that works.
> Basically, if the system is busy at the instant that the
> suspend request is made, it fails.  This can happen if the disk or
> other device is busy at that instant, which can happen as the X server
> writes its log that it is suspending (or other logging activity).

I know this kind of nasty behavior. It occurs in rare occasions on a DELL
Latitude CP233XT Notebook, which in general will suspend without any
problems. However, it would be really nice to have a patch for these
rare occations too! (According to Murphy, they will always occur, when
they are absolutely not needed :-) ).

> This will depend on exactly the hardware/software combination, and may
> or may not be repeatable (until you change something!).

This behavior is completely different. It will _allways_ occur. It is not
possible to suspend the notebook at all (except when running it under
Windows2k alternatively - (pain) - I do mention this, 'cause it can't be a
hardware problem on the notebook).

Now turning to Marc's statement:

> Actually, in the case of GeForce2 Go there is more to it than this.
> The video bios does not have APM support.  It's ACPI only and this
> is not something well supported in Linux kernel.

In principle you are right. In standard RedHat 7.2 Kernel there is no ACPI
support and the DELL C810 Notebook won't suspend (with or without

This is why I checked out for a more new kernel (2.4.16) and had ACPI
activated in it. Now it can't be a problem of the Linux Kernel ! The
notebook will suspend when closed or when apm -s is entered, but _only_ if
X isn't started. When X has been activated once - the notebook won't shut
down (stating resource unavailable). But there is more to it: After
stopping X (NVdriver stays in memory) the notebook will continue to refuse

Thanx for any help,

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