
    I am very happy that someone understand my previous
email in such details. Thanks...

    I think a xinput module that can read from a normal file
(no matter a character device device node, a pipe), or from socket
will BE GREAT. These sounds very easy to do I think

    Can anyone help?


> Input is a bit tricky because it has to go through a SIGIO
> handler that knows about your input device. I don't remember
> the details, but the USB handler in the Wacom driver should
> be a useful example for Linux-only USB.
> We really need to get USB support at the server level, because
> most new devices will be USB.
> As for FIFO support, I have also thought about that as a
> useful debug/test tool. Socket support would be good where
> two-way communication is needed, and could be used to connect
> simulated devices, or even connected over a network to a
> remote device. But, I don't know of anyone implementing
> either of these.
> Another useful tool I've thought about is an input module
> loader that can run/debug input drivers without loading
> a whole server.
> Joe Krahn
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