On Wed, 1 May 2002, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

>    With this patch the application no longer runs.  It appears
> that it calls XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch to prevent users from
> switching modes while in the game, but the application itself
> switches modes via the vidMode extension while mode switches
> are locked.  Before your patch, this was allowed.  After your
> patch it is not because the xf86SwitchMode function checks
> the zoomLocked flag.

>    I can get the app to run again by saving zoomLocked in
> VidModeSwitchMode before calling xf86SwitchMode and then
> restoring it afterwards.  I don't know if that's the solution
> you'd like to see though.

OK.  I'll move the zoomLocked check out of xf86SwitchMode() and back into



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