Hello all,

 Weather it is possible to sent the BackSpace to
application ?

  Suppose already some char is displayed in SCR.
But before displaying my next char the already
existing char should be deleted and display the
current char in that position.

  I try to send the Backspace / DEL char (8 / 127)
from XkbTranslateKeySym() (XKBBind.c). but application
( Kword etc...) display it as space.

  How to do it?
  ( For Multiple keystroke to single Glyph )

Bharathi S
--==| Bharathi S | BSB-364 DONLab | IIT-Madras |==--
The virtue-killer may be saved
Not benefit-killer wo is damned.
*In Tirukkural of Holy Tamil poet Tiruvalluvar.

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