hy0 wrote:
> The patch has been submitted and will soon be integrated into CVS.
> Attached is the binary driver for X4.2.  Replace
> /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.o if you are using X4.2 (or
> RH7.3). It may not work with other versions of X. The driver definitely
> needs more tests, so let me know if you have any problem with it.


   Is is working fine except for an extreme slowness. It reminds me the
early time of X, when opaquemove of windows was too expensive for to use.


Claude Lecommandeur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EPFL - SIC                    +41 21 693 22 97
1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)   http://slwww.epfl.ch/SIC/SL/info/Claude.html

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