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On Thursday 23 May 2002 2:12 am, res0i1oz wrote:
> My friends,
> I am curious to ask you: whether it is possible to find a solution of the
> problem in Xwindow. The probelm is: I run an application (for Xwindow) in
> local (machine A), meanwhile, I like to export (broadcast)  the same result
> to a remote machine B. Here, of course, A and B are connected, i.e., B can
> login to A, run program remotely, or verse via.
> I have tried VNC and x2x, it seems not worked very well. I am looking for a
> solution in Xwindow.
> Any suggestions are appreciated.

What went wrong with trying to use VNC?

But it does seem like it would be useful to be able to simply click on some 
icon on the window and get the window manager to also display to some chosen 
location.  Emacs allows you to do something similiar - and it is very wierd 
and useful having two people edit the same buffer :)

Hmm, maybe this would be a case where you would one multiple event queues - 
from first impressions you would need the app to support it tho, in which 
case you could just get the app to open up another window elsewhere and have 
the app manage the synchronisation - which thinking about it is probably the 
better solution.

Thoughts ppl?

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