Hello, All
I just bought the following laptop
Dell Inspiron 2600
1.06 GhZ Mobile Celeron
Intel 830M video card w/ 32 MB shared mem  (16 RAM on board itself in normal mode)
128 ram
7.3 runs great and can run X windows.  However, will only run 640x480.  I naturally went to Intel's site, it stated that issue was fixed in 7.2.  And this appears to be true since 7.3 picked up my card.  However, when trying to increase res thru Xconfigurator or by manually adjusting the Xconfig-4 file (even to Intel's instructions, using VESA driver instead of Intel, Also manually entering the H and V refresh rates of the monitor) and I still get a X server error that says BIOS isn't supported mode in this BPP , only can support 640x480.  Which explains why no matter what res I set it to, it jumps back to 640x480. 
So my questions are is anybody running the same laptop as me?  If not, what BIOS is X refering to?  I would imagine my system BIOS, since the video card is picked up and Intel claims its supported by X4.2.0 which I believe RH 7.3 has.  Or is there a specific Monitor I should select.  Since its a laptop, I selected several generic monitors, but it only likes the 640x80 generic laptop. I even tried selecting Vesa.
Any help would be appreciated.  Runs OK, It just is hard to see some things with such a small res.  I would settle for 800x600.  Dell hasn't been much help, but gonna see if updating the BIOS does anything.  In the interim thanks for letting me write.
If I can help with anything, please let me know to return the favor.

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