The first user logs in through xdm, but the second user is in a different room (or not even the same building) but will telnet to the machine and start the build (which needs access to the X server).

Is there a good reason why an `xhost +localhost` in the first user's .xinitrc wouldn't work?


Dr Andrew C Aitchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

05/30/02 04:49 AM
Please respond to xpert

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: [Xpert]xhost / xauth Woes

On Wed, 29 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have two users who both need to be able to
> use the Xserver on a machine to run builds, regardless of which one of
> them may actually be logged in on the box using gdm (or kdm or xdm).
> Opening a terminal and running `xhost +localhost` will work just fine,
> but this needs to be automated so it doesn't have to be run every time
> one of them logs in. An xhost is fine - I trust our network.
> I've tried putting `xhost +localhost` in their .xinitrc files,
> and even in /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession and /etc/X11/Xsetup_0
> (using xdm rather than gdm of course) but to no avail.
> I've played around with using a shared Xauthority file (I put it in
> /etc/X11 and made it 0660 owned by one of the users, and a group that both
> users belong to), but either they couldn't log in at all at that point (an
> issue with a lock on the file I believe) or the other user couldn't read
> the file using xauth to obtain the authorization info.

The first user logs in, then the second user logs in a window ?
Is the second user using telnet, rlogin, ssh, or su ?

I'd recommend that they use ssh (with the -X option if it isn't the
default). OK encrypting a login to the same machine is overkill, but
it completely automates the progagation of xauth cookies, and it
encourages good practise for when they use a remote machine.
"ssh -c none" and "ssh -c arcfour" seem to be the fasted encryption
ciphers (none may not be supported, since it defeats security).

If they are logging in with su, try using the pam_xauth module;
as "man pam_xauth" explains you will need to create either or both of
~/.xauth/export and ~/.xauth/import, putting either "*" or the name of the
other user into these files.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison                                  Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge

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