Clark Manuel writes:
 > I'm seeing a specific lock up issue shortly after running "startx" with a
 > PIII based system using the C&T 69030 video controller.  From scanning the
 > prior XFree archives, this does not appear to be a new issue, but I see no
 > reference to anyone seeing these issues with the 4.2.x release (only 4.0.x).
 > I can avoid the lock up's by setting the option 'noaccel' but this GREATLY
 > affects the video performance (it's unacceptable to say the least).  
 > I gather that I may be looking for a solution in the wrong place and if
 > anyone can point me in the correct direction, I'd be most appreciative.
 > Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Do to a little bug in 4.2.0 silken mouse cannot be disabled.
The lockup occurs when the hw cursor gets updated while the
blitter is waiting for data.

You may use Option "noaccel" to work around this.

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