On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Scott Long wrote:

> I'm trying to set up dualhead with a Matrox G550 and have been 
> experiencing some problems.

I have a PIII-800 running Red Hat 6.2 + current CVS XFree86 with a  
G550 driving an SGI 1600SW with MLA on the DVI port and an
iiyama ProLite 38e on the VGA port. My config file is available at 
There is a lot of old stuff in there as I do a lot of fiddling, and like 
to keep the other setups in the file, but this is my real config file.
I use "startx -- -layout G550-2fp".

> First problem: the screen occasionally blanks to black for a moment, 
> then comes back. It's not going to standby, the panel stays lit but 
> goes to black. Does not happen in VGA text modes, so maybe this is a 
> driver problem?

I've seen that very occasionally, just a couple of times a week.
> I also can't get dualhead working, although I've read several success 
> stories.. I installed mgapdesk and used that to enable the second 
> screen (CRT). Immediately after doing this I quit X, and the CRT came 
> on as a clone of the digital panel. However after restarting X both 
> screens seemed to go into standby and would not come back 
> (ctrl-alt-bkspc to no avail, had to hard reboot). The only way to get 
> back into X was to disable the second screen (CRT) again.
> Another clue (maybe): I have to use Option "NoHal" with the Matrox 
> driver, otherwise the panel goes into standby (like in the dualhead 
> case) and never comes back. Using "NoHal" on both drivers in an 
> attempt to get dualhead working also failed. It only works for the 
> single screen...

I found that I had to use the HAL (md5sum b6c18c9cb540900cfa474e27d6571848,
I think this is the vertsion which comes with the Matrox drivers for
4.2.0) to get the DVI output working at all, but I can and do use the 
XFree86 driver, not the the Matrox one.

This is Linux 2.2.x with bleeding edge X server, so I don't even
attempt DRI (DRI has required a 2.4 kernel since about XFree86 v4.1).

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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