On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Daniel Sheltraw wrote:

> Hello Xpert list
> I am pleading with this list to help me obtain datasheets for popular
> graphics cards. Or possibly select info from datasheets. I need to
> use vertical-retrace-generated HW interrupts for synchronization
> of writes to VRAM. I have an ATI Radeon datasheet which has enabled 
> me to do this for ATI Radeon cards but thats all. I need to support
> additional popular cards (with DVI output) and therefore need the 
> same info (the memory-mapped IO registers pertain to HW interrupts 
> from retrace events) for other popular cards. Can anyone please help 
> me?

XFree86 have a substantial, but incomplete, collection.
However many of these documents were given to XFree86 under agreements
which restrict how they may be used (XFree86 are prepared, in principle,
to sign non-disclosure agreements, although clearly they must allow the
distribution of source code generated from information in those documents).
I believe that the XFree86 board of directors ([EMAIL PROTECTED] IIRC)
control access to these documents.

While I have no idea whether they could give you access, they, and other 
people with access to datasheets obtained under similar conditions,
may find it helpful if you can describe the project you are working on,
and how it will be released.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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