On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Matt Behrens wrote:

> Anyone know how to get the sunffb driver working on Solaris (9 in my
> case)?  My card is UPA, in an Ultra 10.  On, XFree86 -configure
> finds all my PCI cards (I have two PGX32 cards and the onboard video)
> but never finds sunffb.  Adding a device section for sunffb results in
> nothing.  I installed the aperture driver; that was needed for PCI to
> work anyway.

You might want to try the fbdev driver.  Keep the following in mind
though, as quoted from Domain.note:

"- The SBUS drivers (sunbw2, suncg14, suncg3, suncg6, sunffb, sunleo and
   suntcx), the common layer's SBUS code and the fbdev driver have all
   only been compile tested.  There are likely to be Linux'isms within
   them that remain to be dealt with."

It would be great if you could help make some of all of this code portable
to Solaris SPARC.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
|  Computing and Network Services  |  fax:    1-780-492-1729           |
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|  University of Alberta           +-----------------------------------+
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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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