Le lun 09/09/2002 à 03:16, Xavier Bestel a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have a dual-headed system, with a TNT (nvidia) and an All-In-wonder
> 128 (ati r128) ,running on a dual-pIII VIA VP6. With X 4.1, it runs fine
> (with or without Xinerama & Gatos drivers) (as long as I disable xfs -
> remember ? I reported this one here). 
> With X 4.2.0 or 4.2.1, the system freezes often, sometimes right at the
> gdm2 screen, sometimes later (e.g. when using galeon or mozilla, or
> xine).
> I tried disabling fully acceleration on both drivers, disabling
> Xinarama, even disabling SMP at boot - no way, X still hangs really
> quick.
> When the system is frozen, it doesn't respond to pings, VT switch, etc.
> It's cold dead.

I dunno if I've been clear, but I even tried with only one driver at a
time (NV or R128), so it really seems it's an X server issue, not a
driver one.
Also, I'm using debian packages, I didn't build it myself.

Any hint ? X 4.1 was working quite well on this machine.


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