(copy-pasted from my recent newsgroup posts on the same topic)
First of all I'll get the basics out of the way:
900mhz AMD Athalon, 128 mgs ram, 30GB + 6.8GB HDs, Geforce2 MX
videocard, onboard ALi sound responding to Trident driver.
Win98SE, Slackware8.1, and a failed attempt at Gentoo, triple-boot.
Xfree86 Version 4.2.0 (protocol 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
Build operating system 2.4.18 i686 (ELF)
I use Slackware, run kernel 2.4.19, I updated from 2.4.18 because of the
lockups, no change.

X locks up when I use any decent browser.  Opera, Galeon, and
occsionally even Mozilla, all lock up under regular use.  And I mean,
lock up and take all of X with them: the cursor locks, any sound stops,
and any animation stands still.  I can't ctrl alt backspace or delete, I
must push the power button on the front of my box to reboot.

I've tried the nVidia drivers, they give me all kinds of weird
graphics errors, lines on the screen, etc etc, til I give up and 
change back to the native ones.  I tried an old version from Nvidia, and
it locks it up even faster than the ones that come with X.
GLX is disabled.  AGP is enabled.  the Nvidia drivers are compiled for
my kernel, 2.4.19.

(update: lynx and links do NOT lock up the system, and galeon seems to be doing
fine with java and popups turned OFF.  soon I will test it with java back on
and see if that crashes the machine again.)

I am at my wits end, I don't know what else to try, it's making me
crazy, I've had this problem for months.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could possibly be causing

Please help me.


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