This is my first ever submission to a mailing list to get help. If I have got the etiquette wrong, sorry - please advise.
I am failing to get XFree86 to work on a Dell Inspiron 2600 at a screen resolution of 1024*768.
I have tried to solve these problems using the advice in Manuel Chakravarty's article "Liberating the Dell Latitude C400" http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/linux/c400.html
I have noted below the details of my attempts to use the procedure therein. I have also attached corresponding log-file information.
Can anyone suggest what I should try next?
Peter Howard
Notes follow...
1.0 Base Installation
I installed Suse Linux 8.0 from distro CDs using Suse's Yast2 tool. This uses a 2.4.18-4GB kernel and XF86 4.2.0. I included the kernel sources from the distro. The automatic installation was successful and everything seems to work. The X server and the desktop enivironment all work "straight out of the box", BUT it comes up at a very low screen resolution. (I'm not sure what - but definitely < 1024 * 768).
The attached .tgz file includes the automatically generated XF86Config, XFree86.0.log.asinstalled & messages.asinstalled to capture this state.
As a newcomer, it's not clear to me from this log why it is coming up in low resolution. However the following message is distinctly un-encouraging:
(WW) I810(0): Bad V_BIOS checksum.
2.0 Patching the X-Server
Gambling that these symptons were connected with the same underlying problems cited in Manuel C's article, I then followed his instructions - with the following observations:
Installed XFree86-4.2.0 source from an XFree ftp mirror. (Sources not on the Suse distro CD to my surprise)
Applied the patch supplied (i830_driver-1mb-stolen-hack.patch)
Compiled the X server as per intructions.
Copied i810_drv.o into place as recommended.
The article says you have to apply two kernel patches before this will work, but I thought it would be instructive to see what happened if rebooted with just this patch in place. The attached .tgz includes the log file from this run: XFree86.0.log.stolenhack. The log still exhibits the checksum problem. It confirms that the "stolenhack" patch is enabled. It gives up when it encounters unresolved symbols:
Symbol XAAFillSolidRects from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/i810_drv.o.
3.0 Patching the kernel
I hypothesised that the unresolved symbol problem was probably because the matching kernel patches had not been applied, so proceeded with those.
Applied the i830-drm.patch to the sources provided in the XFree86 source tree, and copied the resultant i830.o into place as recommended. This required manual intervention to remove an additional argument to do_munmap() introduced by the patch. (The article explains that this may be necessary on non RedHat distros.
Applied the agpgart-i830.patch to the kernel sources installed from Suse distro. Manuel's procedure tells you to copy a particular .config file to /usr/src/version/ before 'make'ing. My source tree did not provide a suitable candidate, besides which there was already one there which looked plausible so I left it in-situ. I don't know how to interpret these files properly. I have included the one that was there in the attachment. The procedure was error free until the 'make modules' phase. This produced several errors, BUT it did successfully build the agpgart.o file required. Which I duly copied into place as suggested. I wrapped up with 'depmod -a' as instructed.
The server gives up in exactly the same way as above. The log files are identical (apart from the internal date). Log file included XFree86.0.log.final for completeness.

Attachment: XF86logs.tgz
Description: application/compressed

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