I have noticed that moving and resizing windows is very slow when using
window managers that update the window position/size immediately.
The reason for this slowness (I think)  is that a huge number of
exposure events are sent to the windows that need to be updated.
On my machine (PentiumII 233 with 128MB memory and Matrox G400 with 16MB
memory) this causes updating "chains" that can take many seconds to finish
even when using relatively fast and well optimized programs like Netscape

The problem is, I think, that exposure events are sent to windows
even when the previous exposure events have not been processed. This
causes exposure events to stack up. A smart client could ofcourse
check if there are other exposure events in the event queue and remove
them. Still I don't think this is the client's job and I haven't seen
any program that would do so.

A solution could be that the XServer (or maybe the client side library?)
combined the many exposure events in case the client doesn't have
the time to process all the events in time.

I've noticed this problem with XFree86 4.1 and 4.2. I'm not
sure if earlier versions have the problem.

I don't know how to do the changes myself but maybe someone knows.

Jouni Tulkki

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