On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, David Dawes wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 07:12:30PM -0600, Marc Aurele La France wrote:

> >I must admit to being rather surprised that *BSD doesn't have strtoull()
> >yet (but allows long long).  I was really hoping to avoid ugly #if's in
> >this code.  Oh well, such is life.  This'll be fixed shortly.

> Some do.  This from FreeBSD 4.4's strtoul(3)/strtoull(3)/strtouq(3) man page:

>      strtoul, strtoull, strtouq - convert a string to an unsigned long,
>      unsigned long long, or uquad_t integer

>  ...

>      The strtoul() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (``ISO C89'').  The
>      strtoull() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'').  The BSD
>      strtoq() function is deprecated.

Deprecated it may (permission, not just possibility) be, but necessary for
this code in the short-to-medium term.

The #if didn't turn out to be all that ugly after all...


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
|  Computing and Network Services  |  fax:    1-780-492-1729           |
|  352 General Services Building   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|  University of Alberta           +-----------------------------------+
|  Edmonton, Alberta               |                                   |
|  T6G 2H1                         |     Standard disclaimers apply    |
|  CANADA                          |                                   |
XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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