
I am running a Matrox G550 dual head on Gentoo Linux (using ebuild 4.2.0-r12 
(which from what I can read  = 4.2.0 + the 3 security patches, + a Wacom 
mouse tablet patch).

I have seen some occurences of 'crosstalk' between the screens, whereby 
graphical elements are drawn on the wrong screen (in particular text and 
rectangular elements).  This is fixed by disabling acceleration on the 
secondary screen, which is then (at 1600x1200) painfully slow.

The Matrox mgadrivers are worse in this regard, and the effect is particularly 
evidenced with VMWare in full screen mode, and some builds of KDE (3.0.1 was 
bad, 3.0.3 I have not yet seen a problem).

I have attempted to isolate the particular acceleration element that is 
causing this with very little success (since the problem is not 100% 
repeatable, and there are a LOT of acceleration elements).

At present using KDE 3.0.3 and VMware windowed the system is useable, but it 
would be really nice to be able to run VMware in full screen mode.... Anyone 
have any ideas.....  (I have appended my XF86Config file for perusal).


Gary (Whitehead).

Section "Module"

    Load       "dbe"    # Double buffer extension
    Load       "type1"
    Load       "speedo"
    Load       "freetype"
    SubSection "extmod"
#       Option  "omit xfree86-dga"
#    Load       "dri"
#    Load       "glx"


# **********************************************************************
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **********************************************************************

Section "Files"

    RgbPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"

#    ModulePath "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"


# **********************************************************************
# Server flags section.
# **********************************************************************

Section "ServerFlags"

#    Option "NoTrapSignals"
#    Option "DontZap"
#    Option "Dont Zoom"
#    Option "DisableVidModeExtension"
#    Option "AllowNonLocalXvidtune"
#    Option "DisableModInDev"
#    Option "AllowNonLocalModInDev"


# **********************************************************************
# Input devices
# **********************************************************************

# **********************************************************************
# Core keyboard's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************

Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier                  "Keyboard [0]"
    Driver                      "Keyboard"
#    Option     "Protocol"      "Xqueue"
    Option "AutoRepeat"         "500 30"
#    Option     "Xleds"         "1 2 3"

#    Option "LeftAlt"           "Meta"
#    Option "RightAlt"          "ModeShift"

    Option "XkbRules"           "xfree86"
    Option "XkbModel"           "pc102"
    Option "XkbLayout"          "gb"


# **********************************************************************
# Core Pointer's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************

Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier                  "Mouse [0]"
    Driver                      "mouse"
    Option "Protocol"           "imps/2"
    Option "Device"             "/dev/usbmouse"
    Option "ZAxisMapping"       "4 5"


# **********************************************************************
# Monitor section
# **********************************************************************

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section "Monitor"

    Identifier  "Monitor [0]"
    ModelName   "IIYAMA Vision Master Pro 510"
    HorizSync   30-130
    VertRefresh 50-160
    DisplaySize 400 300
    UseModes     "Modes[0]"


Section "Monitor"

    Identifier  "Monitor [1]"
    ModelName   "IIYAMA Vision Master Pro 510"
    HorizSync   30-130
    VertRefresh 50-160
    DisplaySize 400 300
    UseModes     "Modes[0]"


Section "Modes"
  Identifier   "Modes[0]"
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 149.76 1600 1616 1968 2208 1200 1200 1211 1253
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 174.72 1600 1616 1968 2208 1200 1200 1213 1253
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 199.68 1600 1616 1968 2208 1200 1200 1215 1253
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 224.64 1600 1616 1968 2208 1200 1200 1216 1253
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 249.60 1600 1616 1968 2280 1200 1200 1218 1253
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 270.40 1600 1616 1968 2280 1200 1200 1221 1253
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 274.56 1600 1616 1968 2280 1200 1200 1221 1253
  Modeline      "1600x1200" 299.52 1600 1616 1968 2280 1200 1200 1225 1253
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 102.24 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1033 1070
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 119.28 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1035 1070
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 136.31 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1036 1070
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 153.35 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1039 1070
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 170.39 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1040 1070
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 187.43 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1042 1070
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 204.47 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1042 1070
  Modeline      "1280x1024" 216.32 1280 1296 1552 1736 1024 1024 1045 1070
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 77.55 1152 1168 1384 1568 864 864 871 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 90.48 1152 1168 1384 1568 864 864 873 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 103.40 1152 1168 1384 1568 864 864 874 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 116.33 1152 1168 1384 1568 864 864 876 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 129.25 1152 1168 1384 1568 864 864 877 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 142.18 1152 1168 1384 1568 864 864 879 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 155.11 1152 1168 1384 1624 864 864 880 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 168.03 1152 1168 1384 1624 864 864 885 902
#  Modeline      "1152x864" 180.96 1152 1168 1384 1624 864 864 885 902
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 61.19 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 775 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 71.39 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 776 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 81.59 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 777 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 91.79 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 778 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 101.99 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 779 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 112.19 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 781 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 122.39 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 783 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 132.59 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 789 802
#  Modeline      "1024x768" 142.79 1024 1040 1216 1400 768 768 789 802
  Modeline      "800x600" 37.44 800 816 928 1072 600 600 605 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 43.68 800 816 928 1072 600 600 606 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 49.92 800 816 928 1072 600 600 607 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 56.16 800 816 928 1072 600 600 608 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 62.40 800 816 928 1112 600 600 609 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 68.64 800 816 928 1112 600 600 610 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 74.88 800 816 928 1112 600 600 611 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 81.12 800 816 928 1112 600 600 616 626
  Modeline      "800x600" 87.36 800 816 928 1112 600 600 616 626
  Modeline      "640x480" 23.96 640 656 720 864 480 480 484 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 27.96 640 656 720 864 480 480 485 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 31.95 640 656 720 864 480 480 485 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 35.94 640 656 720 864 480 480 486 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 39.94 640 656 720 864 480 480 487 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 43.93 640 656 720 864 480 480 488 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 47.92 640 656 720 864 480 480 488 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 51.92 640 656 720 864 480 480 491 501
  Modeline      "640x480" 55.91 640 656 720 904 480 480 491 501

# **********************************************************************
# Graphics device section
# **********************************************************************

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Output [0]"
    VendorName  "Matrox"
    BoardName   "G550"
    Driver      "mga"
#    VideoRam   32768
    BusID       "1:0:0"
    Screen      0
#    Option     "hwcursor" "off"
    Option      "AGPMode" "4"

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Output [1]"
    VendorName  "Matrox"
    BoardName   "G550"
    Driver      "mga"
#    VideoRam   32768
    BusID       "1:0:0"
    Screen      1
#    Option     "hwcursor" "off"
    Option      "AGPMode" "4"

# **********************************************************************
# Screen sections
# **********************************************************************

Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "Screen [0]"
    Device      "Output [0]"
    Monitor     "Monitor [0]"
#    Option     "NoAccel"
#    Option     "XaaNoCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"
#    Option     "XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillTrap"
#    Option     "XaaNoDashedBresenhamLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoDashedTwoPointLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoImageWriteRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillTrap"
#    Option     "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps"
#    Option     "XaaNoPixmapCache"
#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"
#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoScreenToScreenColorExpandFill"
#    Option     "XaaNoScreenToScreenCopy"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidBresenhamLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidFillRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidFillTrap"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidHorVertLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidTwoPointLine"
    DefaultDepth 24

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       8
        Modes       "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       16
        Modes       "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0

Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "Screen [1]"
    Device      "Output [1]"
    Monitor     "Monitor [1]"
#    Option     "NoAccel"

#    Option     "XaaNoCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"
#    Option     "XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillTrap"
#    Option     "XaaNoDashedBresenhamLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps"
#    Option     "XaaNoPixmapCache"
#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"
#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoScreenToScreenColorExpandFill"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidTwoPointLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoDashedTwoPointLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillTrap"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidBresenhamLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidFillTrap"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidFillRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoSolidHorVertLine"
#    Option     "XaaNoImageWriteRect"
#    Option     "XaaNoScreenToScreenCopy"
    DefaultDepth 24

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       8
        Modes       "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       16
        Modes       "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0

# **********************************************************************
# ServerLayout sections.
# **********************************************************************

Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier  "Simple Layout"
    InputDevice "Mouse [0]" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Keyboard [0]" "CoreKeyboard"
    Option      "Clone" "Off"
    Option      "Xinerama" "Off"
    Screen      "Screen [0]"
    Screen      "Screen [1]" RightOf "Screen [0]"

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