On Oct 24 at 9:56pm, Henrik Sandklef mailed Me too :

> > missing some of Events.

> I haven't seen the problem you've described. I have used XTest a long
> time without problem. Take a look at Xnee if you want to look at some
> source code using XTest
  As Vamsi Krishana said,
  We also feced same type problem when using XTestFakeKeyEvent function.
  So we added small time delay in that. Eventhought sometime we are 
  missing some of the events. :(

  Anyway I will look into your codes for more info :)

Bye :)
Bharathi S, IndLinuX Team, (__)
DONLab,     TeNeT Group,   oo /
IIT-Madras, Chennai-INDIA. (_/\

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