On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, Charles Moon wrote:

> > > I have a Sony Vaio Laptop PCG-FXA59 with a 1400 x 1050 native display
> > > powered by an ATI Rage Mobility M1 AGP adapter.  When I attempted to
> > > install RedHat 8.0, the anaconda graphical setup correctly probed
> > > the ATI chip, but returned "unknown" for monitor.  At that point a
> > > small white square appeared in the upper left corner of the screen
> > > and intermittent flashes of color appeared over the screen.  The
> > > only way out was to shutdown.  After using the text based upgrade
> > > over a fully functioning installation of RH 7.2, when I tried to
> > > start the x server [startx] the exact same screen abberation
> > > happened.  Upon further testing I have discovered I can get the LCD
> > > display to work IF when I start the

> > Try 'Option "NoCompositeSync"' in the XF86Config's device section.

> Thanks for the tip, but it didn't work.

Then please send me /var/log/XFree86.0.log, after an attempt to run the
server with -logverbose 4 after a power-down/reboot sequence.

I can't promise I'll be able to resolve this issue (due to remote
debugging considerations et al.), but I'm willing to give it a shot.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
|  Computing and Network Services  |  fax:    1-780-492-1729           |
|  352 General Services Building   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|  University of Alberta           +-----------------------------------+
|  Edmonton, Alberta               |                                   |
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|  CANADA                          |                                   |
XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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