> Just saying one thing: Get OUT! 6 Screens? Where did you get them from?
> I have two, and when i got them to work I thought I had *MANY* screens :)
> Yours sincerely, Per Edin

As usual, things like that require luck, and hard work.

Until 4 years ago I worked as the sole Unix administrator in a big
telecommunications company. As usual, they thought putting people in
little boxes would improve cost. They used X-terminals to a Unix server,
and PCs. Having a 19" and a 21" monitor in a small cubicle is not nice.
At that time the X-emulators for PCs were not good enough, so I found
a way of connecting both the PC and the X-terminal to 1 monitor, and
voila!, lots of extra monitors.

However, it took a couple of years before I got them. I had several
iterations with several bosses like this:

Kim:  We can't use these monosync monitors.
Boss: Throw away those space filling garbage monitors!
      By the way, what did they cost?
Kim:  Approx 15 000,- NOK each. ($1500)
Boss: You cant throw away such expensive equipment!

After 3 itierations of this, with 3 different bosses, I quit, and when
they tried to clean up after me, they gave up, and asked if I could
come and get them, so they didn't have to throw them away themselves.

They have served as monitors for friends and family for many years.


PS: That company is now infamous for total open floor plans, where the
    employees do not even have fixed places.

PSS: If one wants to find monitors, good places are to look at garbage
     disposals where companies dump such obsolete equipment, or in the
     dusty storage rooms of universities or companies. Companies are
     sometimes glad to get ridden of such things.
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