On 29 Oct 2002, Gregory Stark wrote:

> I reported a bug a while ago and didn't receive any response. In recent
> releases of 4.2.1 the behaviour has changed slightly. The change in behaviour
> makes me suspect somebody might think they've fixed the bug but in fact it's
> still present.

> The problem manifests when in a screen size smaller than the frame buffer
> size. So for example I normally operate in 1600x1200 but sometimes switch
> resolution to 800x600 or 640x480 and pan around with the mouse to see small
> details clearly.

> When I do this I often see something weird. A small slice of the right side of
> the screen shows pixels from elsewhere on the frame. For example, right now
> I'm in 1280x1024 with a 1600x1200 frame buffer, and the rightmost 4 pixels are
> showing the slice of pixels that also appear 769 from the left of the screen.
> Ie, as I move windows around in the middle of the screen when they pass the
> 769 mark i see them on the right edge as well.

> The hardware mouse does not appear there. However another bug occurs with the
> mouse. When I hit the edge and the screen pans the mouse hotpoint doesn't stay
> synced with the pointer. This has the result that whenever I'm in a reduced
> screen resolution the mouse hotpoint has a random displacement relative to the
> pointer of up to 4 pixels. This is obvious if you drag an object to the edge,
> you can see the object move while the mouse stays still, then the screen pans
> and the mouse leaps ahead of the object.

> This used to be 8 pixels and the exact behaviour of the hotpoint when panning
> was subtly different. That's why I suspect somebody may have already tried to
> fix this bug and the fact that it's been around so long leads me to suspect
> perhaps they think they fixed it. In fact if anything it's gotten worse with
> the new problem of the incorrect pixels appearing at the edge.

The log shows you are only using the Matrox adapter.  So, a few questions

- Do you see the same problems using the Mach64 GT?
- WRT the mouse problem with the Matrox, what effect does Option
  "SWCursor" have?


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