> From: Dax Kelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 01:16:21 -0700 (MST)
> XF86 Ver: Tested with 4.2.0-72 (RH8.0) and CVS (Nov8th), same result
> Hardware: 
> - Dell Inspiron 4150 Laptop w/ A03 BIOS
> - i845 chipset
> - ATI Radeon Mobility M7 LW rev 0
> Problem PreReq: Only manifests when laptop is running on battery power. 
> Problem:  When X is running and the keyboard/mouse isn't touched for about
> 5mins, the screen blanks. Pressing a key or moving the mouse causes to
> 'unblank', however, the screen is a dancing, scrambled, unreadable mess.
> Switching out to 'text mode' via CTL-ALT-F1 doesn't help, it is still
> scrambled.  Note that the OS is not locked up; I can still SSH in.
> Rebooting the box is the only way to get the screen back to normal, just 
> restarting X has no effect. Checking dmesg and the XFree86.0.log file 
> shows no error messages, or any extra messages for that matter.
> Suggestions and help welcome. I'm happy to test patches and provide any 
> detailed feedback/info.

1400x1050 display, right? I have the same problem on my IBM T30 with
the same display and Radeon Mobility M7 LW. A real pain, but possible
to recover from (at least on my system) without a reboot.

To avoid the problem, try to switch to a text screen (CTRL-ALT-F2)
before leaving the display. That will allow you to wake the display
and enter ALT-F9 to get back to X.

If you forget or can't, switch to a text display (which is messed up)
and turn the display off (Fn-F3 on my IBM). Turn the display back on
and the display will be back in sync. ALT-F9 to get back to X.

This seems to be a timing issue. It looks like the screen wants to be
powered on for a bit before the display is driven at 1400x1050. When I
wake the display with widows, I seem to notice a delay after the light
comes on before the display is un-blanked. This is a guess.

The same happens to be after a suspend, but I don't think this is
too common and I think it can be fixed by adjust ing a delay in
apm.c. But the screen turn-off problem seems out of APM's
domain. (Spoken by someone with minimal knowledge of APM.)

Hope this helps, and I'd love to find a real fix for the problem.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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