Title: RE: [Xpert]About audio sampling rate

from Martin Ding:

> Hi all
>     Does unix support 22KHz and 44KHz frequencies sampling rate in Audio?
>     Or is just just related to the sound card installed in the OS?

Sorry, wrong mailing list.
Xpert is the XFree86 GUI and drivers mailing list.
There you will find Mice, Keyboards, Grafics drivers,
mouse pointers and basic windowing systems discussed
for the various target platforms of X11, e.g. BSD, Linux, Win32, Hurd, ...

but concerning your question:
Most audio hardware that has enough information for
beeing programmed is availabel for the Linux platform.
Its supported to all of your hardware's capabilities most often.

Dont worry but please check for a better slot
to put your audio queries. Keywords: ALSA, OSS.


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