On Sun, 17 Nov 2002, J. Sims wrote:

> I  would have to agree with you. I actually looked into the code and (at least for 
>the radeon
> driver) there are comments to the effect of "FP/LCD display testing might not work 
> clearly it doesnt. When I tried to fake out the monitor test code by forcing the 
> value to one I then got a sig 11 (segfault?) so Ive left it at that so far and have 
> back to windoze. (monitor works fine there of course) wonder how they always manage
> to get the jump on the open sores "community". Any ideas?

You don't say which version of XFree86 you are using.
4.2 was released nearly a year ago, and 4.2.1 is a security release;
if you need support for newer hardware you have to expect to use CVS.
That would make a big difference, since the Radeon LCD support has been
redesigned and rewritten since 4.2.

Do you expect Windows 2000 to support your brand new card without
the driver on the CD included with the card ?
Perhaps you should insist on a card with XFree86 drivers on that CD;
I have one, so they do exist.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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