On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Eric Gillespie wrote:

> It has always annoyed me that xwd's -frame option does not work
> when a window id is given with -id.  Yes, i know that these are
> separate windows with separate ids, but the id of the actual
> client window is much more easily available than the window
> manager frame's id (for example, easily available to fvwm
> functions via $w).

> So i changed the frame_only logic (any way we can change that
> variable name?  It isn't at all accurate...) instead of just
> skipping the find-the-real-client-window step if -frame is given,
> it will actually climb the window tree to find the wm frame.

> What do you think?

please, Please, PLEASE, post patches to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not here.  That
way, you ensure it won't be forgotten in somebody's sea of e-mail.


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