On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 07:29:12PM -0800, Keith Packard wrote:
> We've been working around various problems with the core X protocol for 
> about 15 years now.  I think it's time to build an extension that includes 
> small changes that fix big problems.



> I've stuck these features into a new XFIXES extension and included that in
> XFree86 CVS so that others might see the code and specification and test
> whether they solve the issues they're supposed to.  This does not represent
> any endorsement by the XFree86 project or it's members (other than me), nor
> any assurance that the extension will be included in future XFree86
> releases.

I updated CVS tonight (1 December 2002, about 01:00:00 UTC). "make World"
cleaning in lib/Xfixes...
make: Entering an unknown directory
make: *** Xfixes: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: Leaving an unknown directory
make[2]: *** [clean] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kwall/X/cvs/build/lib'
make[1]: *** [clean] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kwall/X/cvs/build'
make: *** [World] Error 2

No joy. :-( Poking around in xc/lib/Imakefile, I saw a conditional
with BuildXFixesLibrary, so I added " #define BuildXFixesLibrary No" 
to config/cf/host.def and tried "make World" again. Still no joy,
but the breakage is slightly different: 

$ make World 
cleaning in programs/Xserver/xfixes...
make: Entering an unknown directory
make: *** xfixes: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: Leaving an unknown directory
make[3]: *** [clean] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/kwall/X/cvs/build/programs/Xserver'
make[2]: *** [clean] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kwall/X/cvs/build/programs'
make[1]: *** [clean] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kwall/X/cvs/build'
make: *** [World] Error 2

My build tree is a shadow tree created using lndir, if that makes
a difference.

If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is
doing the thinking.
                -- Lyndon Baines Johnson
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