The standard placement for the Euro sign on the Swedish (and many other
layouts) is on AltGr+e, but some older and odd keyboards have the sign
on AltGr+5. Windows does accomodate for this and allows the EuroSign to
be entered both ways.

I'm attaching an attempt to patch this (don't know if it is correct or
if I'm even patching the correct file) for both the Swedish and Finnish
layouts (they are pretty much identical).

--- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/se   2002-09-06 05:29:14.000000000 +0200
+++ se  2002-10-21 22:10:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     key <AE04> {       [               4,        currency      ],
                        [          dollar,      onequarter      ]};
     key <AE05> {       [               5,         percent      ],
-                       [        NoSymbol,            cent      ]};
+                       [        EuroSign,            cent      ]};
     key <AE06> {       [               6,       ampersand      ],
                        [             yen,        NoSymbol      ]};
     key <AE07> {       [               7,           slash      ],

--- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/fi   2002-09-06 05:29:14.000000000 +0200
+++ fi  2002-10-21 22:16:05.000000000 +0200
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     key <AE04> {       [               4,        currency      ],
                        [          dollar,      onequarter      ]};
     key <AE05> {       [               5,         percent      ],
-                       [        NoSymbol,            cent      ]};
+                       [        EuroSign,            cent      ]};
     key <AE06> {       [               6,       ampersand      ],
                        [             yen,        NoSymbol      ]};
     key <AE07> {       [               7,           slash      ],

This is my first attempt at a patch, please let me know if there is
something wrong.


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