Im not sure if this is the place to send this email but i cant get 
mandrakeexpert to load dont know why but any way heres my problem
when i boot everything is normal untill it goes to the gui where i 
usually enter username password.  the screen tries to click on but then i 
getan error messsage saying
INIT: id"x" respawing too fast:disabled for 5 minutes
i looked at the /var/log/xfree.86.0.log and i dont really know what im 
looking at but it seems to have a problem with my monitor.  my monitor 
has worked for months with no problems.
ive tried failsafe and normal i dont reallly know what else to try
the only thing that i can think of that might off messed it up is that i 
compiled a flightsimulator and i was having problems with that but other 
thatn that i dont know sorry if this was the wrong place to send this 
email any help would be great
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