
Since a year, I used a Elsa Gloria L/MX with the linux 2.4.19 kernel without any trouble. After switching to srm console (alpha specific), the graphics adapter was not longer recognized and I changed the Gloria to an old S3 virge card. I reconfigured X and startet X with startx. All what happens is, that the screen is going black, after some seconds I see some color pixels, and ... nothing else. The kernel hangs. I have to reset the board. I tried the 2.2.xx linux kernel with success. Has anyone an idea, was the reason for this is and how to fix it? -- One time, I got a softreset and the board was rebooting after I started X with the S3 virge driver. In this case I got ECC-error msgs from the kernel. I suppose that the driver sets some registers. But not the registers of the graphics adapter! And this causes the kernel hang

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