Can you use MacPorts and install the xorg-server port?  It contains the change 
(and has for some time).  Rolling up a new XQuartz release is unfortunately 
time consuming, and I haven't had the time to do so.  I was considering just 
not doing another release and just directing users to using MacPorts to install 
future updates given that it's much easier for me to just update a port than to 
roll a full XQuartz package.

> On Feb 26, 2018, at 1:47 PM, joshua stein <> wrote:
> I asked in the IRC channel and got no response after a few days of idling, 
> but can someone please make a new release with the latest focus fix?
> Without it, Location Services steals focus many times a day and is quite 
> annoying.  It also seems to be affecting many others too:
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