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On Mon, 5 Jun 2006 17:04:42 +0300
"Jani Monoses" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> >
> > The WM for Ubuntu-Lite is IceWM. Would it be worth adding this to
> > Xubuntu? Certainly not to replace XFCE, but as a lighter alternative.
> > I'm presuming there would be enough room on the cd for both; not sure
> > how we could handle choosing Ice over XFCE during installation.
> >
> Yes, this I was thinking aloud about during Dapper as well, but noone
> stepped up to
> help out with IceWM or Fluxbox so it dit not get done.
> It is understandable that Xfce is too heavy for some even lower powered hw
> and having
> something like feather/puppy + ubuntu repos would be a nice addition.
> It needs to be thought of and acted on early in the edgy cycle though to
> get enough time for thinking
> of installation method changes, promotions to main, integration and
> testing. It will not take up much of my resources because someone will
> have to take over part of this work.
> As for Cd space Ice/fluxbox are very light, that is not a concern.
> In the past I have contacted the person maintaining the ubuntu/fluxbox
> howto and indirectly the ubuntu lite
> developers without being answered. Now I am asking again, if anyone is
> interested in getting these desktops piggybacked over xubuntu let's start
> talking early to not miss edgy. An entirely new CD w/o Xfce is conceivable
> as well, so it is only the lightweight desktop and a very small image, but
> that is a lot more effort both for those undertaking it
> and for the canonical people building the CDs as it's a new project
> (time/hd space/bandwidth/new code), so I'd say
> for now let's think about them as bonus tracks on the Xubuntu CD :)
> The main thing needed here would be getting these wm's and their core apps
> updodate with upstream and debian,
> and make a small metapackage for them and get them on CD.
> We cannot make too fine grained package selections and too many
> metapackages as it would be overkill.
> Instead the main advantage is getting them on CD w/o need for net access
> if someone want to try them out,
> and getting them showcased on the liveCD.
> So who's interested?

Hi Jani,
I'm interested. Can we update to version 1.2.26 at the same time we promote
Icewm from Universe --> Main? I'm assuming it would need to be in main to
be included on the CD.

Regards, Myles
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