Just installed a clean 14.04 Alpha-2 and noted a few things:

gksu is not installed by default. Is that by design?

lightdm greeter: I like the old style logon window, where I just get a text box to type in a user name instead of list with names to select from. In 12.04 I could configure the lightdm greeter to do that, however, those config items (greeter-hide-users=true) didn't seem to do anything in 14.04. Also by design?

The default app configured to edit the menu is menuLibre. However, Menulibre is not installed and the system reverts back to alacarte. Probably a good thing since MenuLibre crashes for me all the time trying to add launchers.

Just a personal preferences, and I know it's past the point where it mattered: I do not like Ubuntu Software Center and much prefer synaptic. Wish it was still included in the default distro.

Lutz Andersohn

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