Every time we put out a call for testing - we link you to this place.

Not sure whether people are aware but, if someone visits there and at least 1 test has been done for each possible test - they would see something like [1]

This tells us a few things:

1. we've got 5 of 5 tested in both Mandatory sections
2. we've got 3 of 3 tested in both Run Once sections
3. we have no optional testcases

It doesn't however tell us how many people have tested each of the various testcases, to see that you need to enter either the 64 or 32 bit sections - and you'll now see a list of all the various testcases and how many times each one has been tested.

On entering you might find that each test has been run once - and while that proves that the test has either passed or failed - it's done so once for one person.

I'm sure that you'd agree that this is less than ideal.

What we at the Xubuntu Team would really like to see, is more and more of the community doing testing, but more importantly reporting it.

If you're someone with a very specific set of hardware then it is even more important.

Let's get the number of tests run for each option at least into double figures, recently we've had to release when we've had 2 or 3 test results recorded.

The greater the spread of hardware we get tested the more we can be sure that the release is likely to be good for more people.



[1] https://i.imgur.com/y29QSyG.png

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