
Our current setup for the website roles structure is split in two:
1) Everybody in ~xubuntu-website gets the "administrator" role
2) Everybody in ~xubuntu-team gets the "Xubuntu Team member" role

The Xubuntu Team member role is obviously a custom role. It allows team members to edit all unpublished pages and posts, even if they were not their own posts. Additionally, it allows team members to upload files.

This role lands somewhere between the builtin "author" and "editor" roles [1].

The motivation to change this structure comes from the wish to add a new member to the website that should have a somewhat limited access to the website – much alike the team members – without adding them to the Xubuntu team. Consider this as the second step required before being approved to the Xubuntu team [2]:

   /1) Commit meaningful contributions to one of the subteams, after
   which one can be approved to the subteam for "probation" by a
   subteam administrator/

   /2) Demonstrate motivation to contribute perpetually, after which
   one can be approved to the Xubuntu team/

My proposal for the new role structure is as follows:
1) Everybody in ~xubuntu-website-admin (a new team) gets the "administrator" role
2) Everybody in ~xubuntu-website gets the "editor" role
3) Everybody in ~xubuntu-team gets the "editor" role

Only the technical administrators and those who need to tweak some non-content options really need the "administrator" role. Removing that from everybody who has required more power to edit the content (namely, people in ~xubuntu-website) helps us keep the site safer.

The builtin "editor" role has everything that the custom "Xubuntu Team member" role had and more, so those members are still able to edit all content they need to. Additionally, by dropping the custom role we decrease the delta with upstream WordPress.

Finally, the team membership and role structures sync much better now; the subteam is just a step to the main team, so it shouldn't grant more power to you automatically. (If you contribute to the technical administration though, you can still be granted the required permissions with the new team.)

I'm proposing myself and Lyz as the members for the new ~xubuntu-website-admin team for now as we are the only two who require the administrator-level permissions.

If there aren't any objections to the above within a week (please reply to this thread if you think something's wrong!), I will change the structure according to the proposal.

That said, if you are in ~xubuntu-website and do not feel you specifically contribute to the website, feel free to leave that team. And *that* said, feel free to keep your membership as well; in the future it will not give you any extra permissions though.

(Phew, that was a lot for a small change. Sorry.)


[1] https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities#Capability_vs._Role_Table
[2] https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/xsd.html#xsd-community-team

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)         › https://open.knome.fi/
Xubuntu Website Lead           › https://xubuntu.org/
Xfce contributor               › https://xfce.org/
Shimmer Project co-founder     › https://shimmerproject.org/

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