Hello Yousuf, thanks for your mail!

These are definitely good suggestions, my thoughts below. To make each of the 
proposed changes, the Xubuntu Team would need to vote on the change for it to 
be made.
Ctrl + Alt + Delete: I agree that this should probably be replaced with the 
logout dialog. After having used somebody else's non-Xfce computer recently, it 
was a shock when this shortcut launched a logout dialog instead of locking. If 
there's already a standard, it would be best to align.
Super + E: A bit of history on this one, Windows uses this as a command to 
launch Explorer (referenced by "e"). We use it to launch the text editor (also 
referenced by "e"). Lubuntu and Mint are likely using this for Windows converts 
to ease the transition. Manjaro's use of Ctrl + Shift + F is likely in 
reference of "files".

Ctrl + Shift + Escape: This isn't currently used by anything else, and would 
certainly have value-add as a known shortcut coming from Windows.

Ctrl + Space: This is also not currently used. We had considered using Super + 
Space in the previous conversations about keyboard shortcuts, but I think 
somebody recently mentioned that was reserved for Ibus. I don't think Ctrl + 
Space is used for anything, so this might be a worthwhile solution.

Let's see what the others think. If there's no response, I'll bring this up in 
the next community meeting.

Thanks again!
On Jun 28 2019, at 9:32 pm, Yousuf Philips <ypha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to Xubuntu contributions and saw the meeting minutes about the 
> keyboard shortcuts and wanted to suggest some changes based on research i've 
> done testing a number of distros and personal experience when migrating to 
> Xubuntu.
> 1. Changing Ctrl + Alt + Delete - Only XFCE distros use this for lock, while 
> Ubuntu Mate, Kubuntu, Linux Mint Cinammon, and Windows use this to show the 
> shutdown/logout dialog and think it would be good to change it to this. Also 
> Super + L was added so there are now 3 shortcuts for Lock.
> 2. Changing Super + E - Only Xubuntu uses Super + E to open mousepad, while 
> Lubuntu, Linux Mint Cinammon and Windows use this to open the file manager. 
> Manjaro XFCE use Ctrl + Shift + F to open thunar, so this could likely be a 
> secondary shortcut for it.
> 3. Setting Ctrl + Shift + Escape - Easy access to the task manager is 
> something I find quite useful and utilizing the same shortcut as on Windows 
> is a good idea, as we cant use Ctrl + Escape used by Kubuntu as that opens 
> the application menu.
> 4. Setting Ctrl + Space - A number of application launchers use this shortcut 
> to launch, likely because its similar to Mac OS's Cmd + Space, and i think it 
> would be good to tie this to xfrun4, or alternatively appfinder or the 
> whisker menu.
> I look forward to your feedback and working together with the team to make 
> Xubuntu and XFCE better. The research i did of the distros can be found in 
> this google doc.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CPvYS7Vb00nImb5cru6pwcMHFov0vmdzJV9dTBUOuYg/edit#gid=0
> Regards,
> Yousuf Philips
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