Hello Team,

triggered by the email from Yousuf Philips "Proposal for additional pre-installed apps" in "xubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 174, Issue 9" from Sat 14,2020  I feel I can contribute something.

I am greateful for Xubuntu which had allowed me to move away from windows 3 years ago and I the only thing I have ever regretted that I did not start earlier. I have an admin prespective from running several servers and having installed well over 100 clients, but still I feel as a change-over guy from the windows world and I am aware of the many things that make Linux difficult to understand.
My interest is to make it as easy as possible for other people to move from windows to Xubuntu. I think my proposal can help there.

The following three small tools I *heavily* miss on each fresh installation, so I would like to propose them for being considered as standard include on the installation medium. I think its more than personal preference, so please bear with my rather long reasonings.

1. ne
the #1 hurdle to any windows user or IDE used developer are the standard command line editors in linux. I grew deeply frustrated with vi, vim, emacs, nano etc. that I checked out all I could find. The only one that I could use intuitively as windows user was "ne - the nice editor". I propsed this a few years ago in some forums not knowing where to go with my proposal. The power feaures of ne from the point of view of a novice users are the standard function that can be used the same way as in the gui tools. Thus, using it will also make it easier for beginners to get akquainted to the command line. Still today I am only using 5% of the capabilites of the editor and but theses are inuitive, to here are my arguments for including it in the default set:
 CTRL-Q   gets you out of the editos
 CTRL-S   saves your text
 CTRL-C   copyies text
 CTRK-V   pasts text
 CTRL-X   deletes text
 The standard cursor and keyboard keys work as expected
 There is a menu to get orientend. I even has a great help file.
 ESC get you out of anything weird
The only thing which must be explained to the normal user is 'marking'. This is done in an marking mode started with CTRL-B and ended with ESC, CTRL-X/C/V. The marking mode is invisible. I had a short exchange with the developers and they said that the implementation of a standard marking with SHIFT is technically challenging in the CLI environment.

2. cifs-utils
Use case: install a new PC and connect it to a network share, e.g. a NAS. Not having cifs-utils excludes any network hardware that is based on samba shares - which imho is every network that must be also accesible by windwos PCs. There is no need to have it pre-installed, but it should be installable by apt.

3. mc
Midnight commander is the tool to quickly get around. For novices its a great thing to explore the CLI world. For experts its great for copying stuff from more deeply nested structures, e.g. from NAS shares. For me its still the quickest way to modify several setup files or check for application log files, because with 2 F3 key strokes one can look into a config file and even edit it with a F4 key stroke. Whenever I investigate something I am not sure how it works E.g. is a tool in /use/lib, /usr/share/lib, /opt/lib,... or what is in /var/www/html and subdirs? I have not seen anything more efficient for checking out directories on the CLI yet. Bonus: the same tool is known to any windows power user from Norton Commander.

Thanks for considering

>Disk Management


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