On 14/05/2020 16:42, Stephen Kellat wrote:
> My replies will be interspersed below.
> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 07:01:23PM +0400, Yousuf Philips wrote:
>> Yes i do agree that having multiple English translations seems weird and a
>> waste of time for translators, so maybe we should consider not having
>> multiples of it, similarly for French.
> I thought we had removed the different English localities before I went away 
> on the blank years.
>> Though any language is spoken globally, it originates from one country, and
>> when people hear the name of a language, they will associate it with the
>> country that it came from and using that country flag to present the
>> language is useful IMO.
> To reiterate a point from the discussion Saturday that seriously gets into 
> the long grass in terms of nationalism and nationalistic pride.  We must not 
> go there.  This checklist from the federal department of Health & Human 
> Services in the USA keeps it pretty simple about how to address multiple 
> languages: "Present links to foreign language materials in their language.".  
> See: 
> https://www.hhs.gov/web/building-and-managing-websites/development-process-and-milestones/website-requirements-checklist/index.html
>> The likelihood of us having Canadian French and Canadian English is pretty
>> much nil, so i doubt we'd ever have a Canadian flag, and that goes for most
>> languages spoken outside of the main country where the language originated
>> from, unless there is a large enough diversion of the language.
> We wouldn't want to forget the languages spoken by First Nations in Canada 
> either.
>> We can take our installer slides as an example of what may come as future
>> translations. English (Australia) and English (UK) and simply copy and
>> pastes of the source English. French (Canada) is a copy and paste of
>> French.
>> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+pots/ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu
>> Ultimately, if it is only me who sees this as a benefit, it won't be
>> implemented and the issue can be voted on in an upcoming meeting to
>> finalize a decision.
> I don't have voting privileges these days but I will agree with Pasi on not 
> utilizing flags.
> Stephen Michael Kellat
> [snip]

I agree on not using flags.


Paul Sutton
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