Greetings Sean,

Sean Davis wrote:

Addition of disk utilities 
- gnome-disk-utility
- baobab

I had never heard of either. Both earn +1 from me.

I thought for disk space usage I needed to rely on du -h only! Thanks for these 

Addition of music player 
- rhythmbox, or
- pragha

+1 for rhythmbox

Clipman and Appmenu Plugin, installed but not added to panel by default (,
- xfce4-appmenu-plugin
- xfce4-clipman-plugin

So I always add back the Application Menu and Actions Buttons items... Application Menu at the far left / Action Buttons at the far right... to bring back the Xubuntu what was it 12.04 look... when ever Ubuntu LTS did that Unity UI decision and I jumped (fled) from Gnome to Xfce! And I still add back to new Xubuntu installations the bottom panel that was present in that version.... useful icons, and I currently increase the workspaces to 16.

I do not add clipman, but I do know people who add it / make use of it.

I would say since the standard is to use Wiskers menu... I vote to leave the layout on the top bar alone, and to leave those two packages getting installed so they are convenient to simply add back to the panel.

Also I add System Load Monitor to my top bar / right side.... to keep an eye on 
CPU and memory use.

Games (

Remove: gnome-mines gnome-sudoku
Add: four-in-a-row gnome-chess gnome-nibbles quadrapassel

"With all the work I have to do, I do not have time for games." Famous quote at 
the close of a David Barnes OS/2 commercial! ;-)

I suggest leave mines and sudoku present, OK for adding the suggested games.

I am thankful,

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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