
bit late to the discussion and afaik votes are already done, but for the sake of completeness, have you considered Lollypop ( Its in the repository and design-wise imo the most appealing one. Technically its seems to work well, but I've to admit I'm not a heavy user of music players anymore.


On 17/05/2021 01:34, Michael Lueck wrote:
Greetings team,

My music player of choice on Linux is:

Yousuf Philips wrote:
1. rhythmbox (8,473kb): The recommended option as it is in regular development and is used by flavors (gnome, mate, budgie) as well as xfce distros (mint, manjaro, mx).

My one critique of it is it can be challenging to, by typing part of the text you know is an attribute of a file, to actually consistently find the piece of music you are seeking. I have enabled all of the available view attribute lists. I keep trying to move the attribute keywords I remember to spots Rhythmbox full text searches on in that player UI search field.

Otherwise, rock solid, no issues.

I am thankful,

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