
  allow me to repost a typicial post from the
comp.lang.python newsgroup about the state of Mozilla
XUL and Python:

  Christoph Becker-Freyseng writes:

  There's just no easy "plug & program"-library.

  You have to compile yourself a version of Mozilla.
Basically following the instructions (search them on
mozilla.org) isn't to hard and you'll get an
Python-enabled Mozilla framework. However it takes a
lot computing resources (I did this on a laptop PII
400/128MB and it took >24h to complete and >1GB

  I agree that Mozilla should provide a readily
useable XUL+(C, Python, Perl, Java, ...)-Framework.
But nobody wants to do this task (it's my and your
fault, too -- or would you do such a thing :-)  ).  

   Such is the sorry state of Python and Mozilla XUL.
Everbody sits back in the armchair and waits for a

  Any thoughts?

  - Gerald

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