Hello Marc,

> I'm looking for something:
> 1) more lightweight
> 2) uses xml markup syntax
> 3) is oriented around process/workflow -- gluing
> separate components
> together, but client components, not distributed
> components.

  You might look into something like NAnt. It's a
lightweight higher-level declarative scripting
language using xml  markup syntax.  See

  I'm not really a C# person. In Java-land there's
something called Jelly. See my talk slides titled
"Python and Jelly: Scripting Power for Java and XML
Do More With Less (Lines of Code)" online @
 (You need to scroll down a bit.)

  My take on Jelly is that it's not good for low-level
scripting (e.g. if/else/while/do/etc.) but only for
using high-level web services. e.g.

  Jelly Script example:

<babelfish:translate from="en" to="fr">
    Welcome ${user.name} to Jelly

 For my positon on scripting and XML allow me to
repost the slide titled "XML is not ... / The "Golden
Hammer" Fallacy":

 Golden Hammer - When you have a hammer in your hand,
everything starts to look like a nail.

 Don't get swamped away in the XML craze. XML has
limits and is not the magic bullet that will solve
everything from world hunger, to peace in the Middle
East to folding your laundry and cleaning your carpet.

 * XML is not a scripting language --> choose Python
 * XML is not a heavy-duty programming language -->
choose Java, C#, Shark
 * XML is not a style-sheet language --> choose CSS
  Anyway, you might want to look in Python, for
example. I think there are some C# version out there.
In Java-land there's Groovy. See see my talk slides
titled "Groooooovy Babe: Jazzing Up Plain Old Java:
Scripting Power for Java - Do More With Less (Lines of
Code)" online @

 Unfortunately, there's no Groovy version for .Net yet
but I think it's only a matter of time before it
> Going the Javascript route doesn't make a lot of
> sense to me because MyXaml
> can already do runtime execution of C#, VB, and J#. 
> I'm looking for
> something that acts like a lightweight Interpreter
> Pattern within the
> context of the xml syntax.

  Well, I would say that Javascript is a good enough
choice for a lightweight scripting language. C#, VB or
J# are not scripting languages.

  If I may slightly change the slide titled "Scripting
vs. Systems (Hard-Core) Programming / JavaScript vs.

JavaScript does not replace C#. JavaScript complements
 C# and doesn't compete head-on. JavaScript is a
scripting language. C# is a hard-core programming
language (systems language).

 * No compilation (Fast Build-Cycle Turnaround)
 * Dynamic Typing (No Need to Declare Variables For
 * Easy Syntax (No Curly Braces, No Semicolons, No
new, and more) [well, that's more python specific]
 * Embedabble (Scripting Power for Your Apps)
 * Interactive (Create,View, Change Objects At

 * 50 % less code
 * 2 to 3 times higher productivity (that is, less
development time)

  - Gerald

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