
  Neal Deakin comments on the new WHAT WG initiative
the blog story over at XUL Planet titled "What is the

  Neal writes:

  WHAT is just trying to build a few additional
features onto HTML, CSS and the DOM to allow more
sophisticated interaction, perhaps what XHTML really
should be. Specifically, the goal is to allow better
interfaces for web pages and not to build applications
like image editors or web browsers. This will
certainly be simpler for web developers and is a much
better transition. I personally would like to see HTML
include much more document oriented features, and even
XHTML 2.0 doesn't provide much of this.

The folks in the standalone web applications camp that
prefer using XForms and SVG and the like seem to want
to build an entire platform. That's fine, but that is
rather a lot of work, and may not have a lot of return
value considering that there are lots of platforms
already. The biggest disadvantage is that they are
starting fresh without much of an existing base to
build on. Sure, they have XHTML and SVG and the like,
but these are fairly new, don't have a lot of
implementations to 'harden' them and are hardly the
right languages to form the basis of an application.

  More @ http://www.xulplanet.com/ndeakin/article/262

  Any comments? Any thoughts?

   - Gerald

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