Hello Pike,

> is there a poll online about how to call "XML/UI"?

  Not yet. Check back in a couple of weeks.

> .. I notice I'm saying XUI to people and they just
> understand it ..
> everyone in my bussines knows the word gui .. and
> xui sounds the same. And it coveres the meaning 
> better than XUL.

  Thanks for your suggestion. I use XUL and everyone I
talk to understands what I mean. I think it's
important to stress that XUL is a *language* like SQL
(structured query language) and not just some optional
GUI gimmick/addon.

  Also note that XUI is a trademark claimed by the
JWay Group. See http://www.jway.com and

  And when you talk about XUI do you mean Xoetrope XUI
online @ http://xui.sourceforge.net or do you mean
Purnama XUI online @ http://geekkit.bcit.ca/xui/web ?

  Anyways, for some insight why claiming generic names
for trademarks is counterproductive allow me to quote
US trademark regulation:

  No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may
be distinguished from the goods of others shall be
refused registration on the principal register on
account of its nature unless it .... (e) Consists of a
mark which, (1) when used on or in connection with the
goods of the applicant is merely descriptive or
deceptively misdescriptive of them....

  The major reasons for not protecting such marks are:
(1) to prevent the owner of a mark from inhibiting
competition in the sale of particular goods; and (2)
to maintain freedom of the public to use the language
involved, thus avoiding the possibility of harassing
infringement suits by the registrant against others
who use the mark when advertising or describing their
own products.

  - Gerald

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