Gerald Bauer wrote:
  Just to let you know I invite you to use whatever
acronym you feel most comfortable with on xul-talk. Be
etc. It's your choice and I ask everyone to respect

XUL - Many already claim that this is a trademark of Mozilla. Since XUL is the only name for Mozilla's XML user interface language, there can be little doubt that the use of this term would cause confusion within the Mozilla community, whether Mozilla actually claims it as a trademark or not.

XUI - Don't know too much about this one, but if several groups are fighting over who has a copyright to it, it should probably be avoided.

Apparently, XUI also stands for "X User Interface" (as in X Windows).

XUIL - This term is probably the least problematic. It's the only acronym I know of created to _specifically_ be used as a generic term. VXF uses this term on their website:

XML-UI - This has possibilities, but could be confused for a method of displaying XML rather than an XML language for user interfaces.

XPML - Please, I'm was confused enough by XPCOM. A random individual looks at this, and for all they know it means "Xeroderma Pigmentosum Medical Lasing".

XAML - Not only is this the name specifically for Microsoft's XML user interface language, but it also used to stand for "Transaction Authority Markup Language". See this URL:

UIML - This doesn't really communicate that it's XML-based. In theory, this term could be describing a broader group of markup languages. That could be good or bad depending on how you look at it.

UML - Stands for "Unified Modeling Language". It's a frequent term in business environments with large corporate databases. Don't touch this one with a ten foot pole.

If I were to rate these in order: XUIL, XML-UI, UIML, XUI, XPML. I dropped XUL, XAML and UML, because each is used to identify a single, specific technology. We may wish to avoid XUI as well until those claiming it come to an agreement on its use.

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